Don't have much to say today other than "Happy Thanksgiving". Here is a photograph I shot in downtown, such as it is, New Hope last year.
“I voted against the proposed health care legislation today because a public option has remained the foundation of the bill’s aim. This bill is bad for our patients, bad for our North Alabama hospitals, and bad for our nation's bottom line.
“Improving the best health care system in the world to include the millions of Americans without access to affordable care is a worthy goal, but we cannot do it by reforming a system around a scarcity. As the House and Senate come together, I am hopeful that we see a reform package that aggressively addresses the growing problem of physician shortages in America and increases access to those without insurance without adding trillions to our growing debt."
ALBERTVILLE, AL. - A Marshall County woman who made national news after she was arrested for having her 13-year-old daughter ride in a cardboard box atop her van began today serving five days in the City Jail here after she pleaded guilty to endangering her child.
City Judge James D. Walker sentenced Jackie Denise Knott, 37, of Albertville to 90 days, but suspended 85 days and placed her on two years probation. He also fined her $500 and ordered her to attend parenting class and drivers education school and serve 40 hours of community service.