Highway 431 Blog

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Those Greedy Schoolteachers ::

in Alabama:

Wow, Rep. Lynn Greer blames underpaid teachers for a good portion of Alabama's fiscal crisis. The above video is a production of the Alabama Democratic Party based on the following speech by Rep. Greer:

I don't have any children in school in Alabama anymore, but I do have one very smart granddaughter attending class here and I want the very best possible education for her and I want her to have teachers who inspire her to reach for more and I want those teachers to be adequately compensated for their dedication!

Huntsville city schools has recently announced the lay-off of principals in hopes of alleviating their budget shortfalls, but I have to wonder how a school can operate without leadership! Who steps in to fill that void?

Next up will be consolidation of schools with some being closed and I am looking forward to the fights this will engender in different parts of Huntsville.

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