Highway 431 Blog

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


We moved to the country mansion back in April and I have lamented the opportunities for recycling newspapers and plastic bottles. I was on the way to work Monday and saw some recycle containers by the road (not nearly as many as I should have seen if there is a robust recycling program near me) so I found a number for the county's recycling program and they were going to check about the availability of this service where I live and call me back. Guess what? They never called back and were gone when I called them this afternoon, but I did go on line and found that there is a local drop-off point where I can take my recyclables. That's fine with me, but I would prefer a pick-up.

One good thing about the area where we live is that most of the trash which is not recyled is incinerated and converted into energy thus bypassing an ever expanding landfill.

Aluminum cans are saved and after a few months, usually between bleak paydays, I take them into town to be recycled. More than once this spare money has come in handy. This has more than a little to do with the state of the Bush Economy! All those who purport that we have a good and robust economy are delusional!

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