"We don't want any more brown people in Madison County and let's get rid of those that are here!"
Well, that's not quite what he said, but the gist is pretty accurate after he rammed through local legislation requiring that employers with county contracts must certify that they do not hire undocumented immigrants. I'm sure the local businesses really appreciated his meddling since so few of them actually hire undocumented workers !
I am not sure exactly where I stand on the issue of illegals entering the country other than I feel that the numbers usually cited are probably far too low. One only has to drive around the county for a day to get a feel for just how many illegals are ain Madison county alone. Actually, you don't have to drive around the county; just stop at a couple of convenience stores early in the morning.
I don't see anyone proposing a solution to our open borders and, indeed, I feel that the problem has been ignored for so long that there is no real solution other than some plan for amnesty. We certainly do not have the resources to forcibly deport upwards of 20 million people!