Highway 431 Blog

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Expressing myself to my elected representatives

I often express my views to Bud Cramer, Richard Shelby, and Jeff Sessions. Bud always responds even though his response is not always to my liking. Shelby responds by spouting his republican talking points and dismissing my view. Until recently Sessions would never reply, but I think that he might be feeling some heat, given his upcoming re-eledtion campaign, and he has responded. although incoherently as only Sessions can be, to my last 2 e-mail concerns.

I have spent a major portion of my life being concerned about electoral issues and I have always voted, but only in the past 7 or 8 years have I really become something of a moderate activist given our sad state of national politics. There is just an incredibly long list of things that are wrong with our country now and I fear that the world my children and grandchildren live in will never be what our founding fathers envisioned for us.

I have never been much of a critic of local politics, but I see that in my future given the direction and the control exercised over local decisions by an extremely small group of individuals. I'll have more to say about that later.

Still supporting John Edwards, but Hillary is showing some spine. I like Obama, but I am still more than a little concerned that he is a product of the Chicago political machine.

Whatever your political predelictions, please register and vote your conscience.

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