Highway 431 Blog

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Obamaroo In Huntsville ::

As usual I missed Thursday's mention of this in The Huntsville Times. Here is information:

Obamaroo, a fundraiser for the Illinois senator, will feature nine acts that range from bluegrass to folk to rock 'n' roll.

Bimini Road, Married in a Fever, The National Trust, Group 6, Jay Plizer, Tim Tucker and the Uh Huh's, Zac, Dragon Master and Andrew Michael are set to play.

Tickets are $10. The music starts at 4 p.m.

All proceeds will go to the Obama campaign.

I think I will be able to make some of the early hours showing my support for the Obama campaign. Hope to see you there.

[update] As it turnes out I think I overdid weekly yard activities and overheated myself a bit. I felt poorly and stretched out on the couch for a while, but I hope that this is not the last of the local Obama festivities!

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