Highway 431 Blog

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Obama Wins Madison County ::


This is about what I had expected, but I still find it fascinating. I was curious about the turnout and it looks like only around 39,000 or so voted Democratic in the Madison County primary. Given the hype and excitement of this election cycle I would have thought that the turnout would have been much larger. Curious!

Off to find the Republican numbers. (we're having a thunderstorm here and where I live in the county has notoriously bad power-it's already winked off once!).

Yep, there went the power.

The Republican race was much closer


That's with roughly 40,000 voting in the Republican primary so their turnout pretty much mirrored the Democrats.

One surprising thing to me is the ability of Ron Paul's supporters to raise money, but his campaign cannot seem to raise supporters.

[update] I posted these numbers from CNN this morning. I have since seen some that give Clinton a few more % points and Obama a few less. I don't know which numbers are correct, but the final results still stand. Obama by a bunch!

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